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Data Access Assessment Tool

Today’s business users need data to get ahead. SaaS providers and enterprise teams can use these guides to understand how accessible data is for their customers, users, and employees.
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Does your data strategy include data accessibility, usability, and monetization?

How easy is it for users and customers to find and leverage their data? How easy is it for every employee–even non-technical team members in your organization–to get the data they need, when they need it?

We created the Data Access Assessment Tool, or DAAT for short, to help you and your team understand data accessibility: why it’s important and what great data access looks like.

Using the Carnegie Mellon University Capability Maturity Model  you’ll discover how you’re currently prioritizing data access, what the current state of data accessibility is in your product or organization, and assess the overall maturity of your data strategy.

In the DAAT, you’ll learn:

→ How to extract more value from the growing volume of business data through data access and data monetization.

→ How to assess the current state of data access in your software offering or organization.

→ How to incorporate accessibility, streamlined workflows, and discoverability into your data strategy.


Better Data Strategy for SaaS Technology & Product Leaders

For SaaS and business software solution providers, building and improving data access features is a competitive differentiator. Understanding how accessible data access is for customers and users is critical for growing your user base and driving new value for a broader range of customers.


Better Data Strategy for Enterprise Leaders & Their Teams

For enterprises, streamlining data processes and improving data strategy is imperative for business success. Data-driven businesses understand their operations and finances more deeply, empowering them to make better decisions. With exceptional data access, more team members can take data-backed action, more often.

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Data Access Assessment Tool for Enterprise Leaders & Their Teams

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