Provide the zero learning-curve, self-serve data access educators and admins need to provide support and impactful learning experiences for every student in today’s changing classrooms.

Data on demand enables faculty members to deliver the exceptional educational experiences students need to succeed.
Data reveals critical insights about organizational efficiencies and student outcomes at all levels of education. With AutoQL, everyone can easily track and explore important KPIs and gain insights about student achievement, enrolment statuses, and tuition costs, faster than ever before.
Conversational Technology & the Future of Data-Driven Business
Leveraging data to get ahead? Conversational tech is the next-generation solution to database access.
7 Reasons Data-Driven Businesses Need Conversational AI
Conversational AI makes enterprise data access easy, so teams can act on insights they discover, immediately.
Conversational User Interfaces: A New Era of Digital Interaction
A new approach to the user interface that makes interacting with digital systems as easy as having a conversation.