The information you need for sound business decisions is locked in computer code only data analysts can decipher. AutoQL empowers merchants to turn vital data into business-boosting decision intelligence strategies, in real-time and on-demand.

With retail disruptions becoming more common and staffing shortages on the rise, you need to respond before an inconvenience becomes a crisis. Accessing your data on-the-spot lets you make adjustments that mitigate losses while maximizing ROI.
Enable your business to sell faster, sell more, and sell better.
You need critical insights about buyer behavior and consumer trends, and AutoQL gives you that in real-time. Our AI translates queries, fetches data, and presents a natural language answer instantly. You won’t need analysts to compile charts on customer habits, merchandise performance, inventory, sales forecasts, and product popularity.
AutoQL provides quick access to information that enables data-based decision intelligence business strategies.
Retailers who want to be successful in the current market must do more than react.
Being proactive about adopting new strategies generates better responses to variables and more revenue for your business.
Use Cases
Enabling Managers with Real-Time Data to Improve the Customer Journey
Self-service analytics allows CRM managers to deliver personalized customer experiences more effectively.
Providing Zero Learning-Curve Data Access for Everyone
Offer non-power users intuitive access to sales and customer data on demand in their everyday workflows.
Delivering Customer Insights that Drive Growth at Scale
Democratize information access for teams looking to leverage high volumes of customer data.